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nb #470​ • designbaby ref





  • a very private person, doesnt like telling people anything about themself at all, only trusts their very few close friends

    • Callisto is one of them - she introduced them to the smuggling ring and was very very kind to them when they had just recently left their home world

    • Evren really feels at home with Callisto, she's so kind and bright it makes them happy

    • technically its evren's ship but they let callisto be the captain bc they know that they would make a Pretty Bad captain, they really like being called xo

    • prefers to stay behing the scenes, fixing up the engines and upgrading the navigation systems in peace, very good at their job

    • also loves piloting the ship when everone else is asleep and its quiet

  • still very quiet but no longer cares about what others think of them, kind of an asshole these days​

    • thinks they're better than everone else ... ( probably due to their ganymedian origin ; money + upperclass family + fancy education they got back home)

    • ​since they were always alone as a kid, they learned to pick up vibes from afar, good at knowing when someone is uncomfortable or upset (and then proceeds to make fun of them)

  • pretty rude and cranky most of the time, especially in the mornings if they're woken up by something unexpected (which happens a lot on a spaceship..)

    • gets along with most people though as long as no one is annoying them too much, actually pretty attached to their crewmates but would never admit it, shows affection by standing up for them in mean conversations and by buying surprise gifts

    • rarely smiles except when making fun of other people

    • doesnt mind when ppl are mean to them, actually likes the attention and theres not many things theyd actually be offended about

    • always talking shit about diego but secretly has a crush on him... thinks no one knows but actually everyone is perfectly aware. diego thinks its incredibly funny

  • very very scared of ever setting foot on firm ground again, very traumatised by the Ganymede incident

    • would never actually admit it to anyone though, absolutely refuses to talk about their past to anyone

    • callisto knows something but she would never tell anyone

  • collects so many things... cool rocks, Very Old Items, stupid earth souvenirs, old star charts

    • likes showing off their collections but wont let anyone actually Touch them with dirty paws

    • gets very excited about adding new things to their collection... its really one of the few things they get excited about

    • actually owns a star that their dad bought to them as a birthday gift ages ago

      • can point said star wherever whenever, its very important to them

  • got accustomed to a certain level of luxury growing up so they prefer to keep things Fancy

    • money is not a problem though, they really are wealthy 




  • lived a good good childhood in the peaceful Ganymede colony

    • rich kind parents, big family, good school (studied to become an engineer - pays well in the growing Ganymede colony), far far away from the war so all is well

    • was a shy quiet kid, good at school but bad at socialising and being and Independent Teen, didnt really have friends growing up

    • when they were in their early 20s Ganymede got caught in a crossfire between two rogue warships and a part of the colony got destroyed completely

    • Evren was the only of their family that survived being away from home at the time of the disaster

  • ​​inherited a fortune from their parents, bought a spaceship, left Ganymede for good













Evren Orion Desroches

nonbinary (they/them)

- years old





2/3 ∙ nb #2611

first officer / xo / mechanic on
a cargo ship

the spaceship



music genre



white & gold












  • cool space rocks

  • antique snowglobes

  • studying

  • buying things

  • quiet nights & stargazing alone

  • when people call them xo

  • fish (from a distance; up-close they are way too slimy and gross)


  • when people ask them too many questions

  • loud eaters

  • leaving the spaceship

  • losing their stuff

  • when people touch their stuff without their permission

  • when someone doubts their skills


CALLISTO - friend / captain of the ship



artist from left to right: cervidae, me

#EFF8FD #BAEBFC #A8CFEE #92CFEE #97B2E1 #EBE2FC #8F41A1 #754FB6 #F0F3BB

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