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nb #1114​ • design​baby ref






  • still pretty quiet, doesnt like small talk at all, a very good listener though and always has advice to offer
    • the mom Friend ™

    • honest and trustworthy, will always tell you exactly what he thinks about anything (especially if he thinks you're annoying)

    • SO good at communicating thoughtfully ; "your behavior is really pissing me off right now . i feel like this has gone long enough and id appreciate if you stopped."

    • super in control of his feelings and expresses them pretty mildly, hes pretty inexpressive most of the time

    • knows so many fancy words and uses them in conversation all the time, likes reading a lot but doesnt have much time for it anymore

    • picks his words carefully and never says anything mean unintentionally, almost poetic at times but never rambles, wrote lots of poems as a child but has stopped since, hes just too cynical now

  • looks all tough and cold but really a sweetheart - does his best to keep his friends safe whatever it takes

    • it takes him a while to get to know someone, hes not really looking for meaningful relationships but sometimes stuff happens and you just get attached to someone you werent meant to... happens to diego a lot

    • very rarely falls in love but when does he falls HARD

    • will tell you that he likes you but doesnt like sappy stuff at all

  • is very open about his past and even though he's always joking about deserting he's really a bit ashamed of leaving everyone else to die out there. humor is his way of dealing with sad things

    • misses earth SO much. never talks about it though (except when really drunk). cries when looking at pictures of sunsets

  • hates coffee. prefers alcohol but is very rarely drunk

  • likes keeping his room clean ... constantly having fights with callisto about the way her stuff is always lying around

  • gets very annoyed when ppl touch his stuff... leave his belongings alone

  • even though he is a weapons smuggler he doesnt know Anything about guns and Does Not Care. he can name a few of the most common military weapons but thats it. literally knows how to fire his own gun and nothing else. he's pretty good with that one gun though. has nightmares about losing it.

  • has some very strong opinions about both of the fighting forces but personally will not take any sides. hates the war & what it has done to earth but as a pessimistic dude he does not believe that the situation will ever get any better. thats his excuse for continuing to enable the fighting by selling guns who kill people daily


  • tall, slender, doesn't look very athletic but actually is

  • has a couple of earrings and a bridge piercing

  • has a very nice posture thanks to his military past, usually looks kinda tense

  • calm in his movements, will not run unless he absolutely has to

  • always carrying his gun

  • always wearing at least a couple of layers, is never seen wearing a tank top or t-shirt and only wears long pants


  • his job nowadays is looking Tough with a Gun and keeping the crew safe when they're doing business with sketchy people

  • also likes doing the bookkeeping for the ship, he's very good at math and honestly the only person on board that callisto would trust with recordkeeping















male (he/him)

25 years old





2/3 • nb #2259

security officer,
former gun for hire


the spaceship


music genre




all of them







the smell after rain




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as a kit:

  • a quiet kid, likes hanging out with his few friends and learning about space travel

  • full of dreams & hope & life, wants to do Great Things and change the world

  • born on earth in a peaceful, wealthy country to a working class family, spent a good childhood away from all the fighting (likes watching the warships in the sky though)

  • as a kit wants to become a police, later on decides to join the army bc of all the propaganda hes been exposed to all his life

grown up:

  • joins the army as soon as he can, excited to have adventures and be a Hero

  • the realities of war hit him hard after a while - stuff is not always black and white and there's really no such things as the right or the wrong side. honestly doesnt mind the killing but hates the hypocrisy of soldiers and the pointlessness of war

  • disappointed in his childhood dream he deserts his post and flees, comes up with a new identity and spends his days hiding

  • eventually becomes a gun for hire thanks to all the experience he got from his time at the army. the smuggling ring and Callisto hire him, he actually ends up liking life on the space ship and decides to stay (he keeps saying that he stayed bc its a good job that pays well, but in reality he's attached to everyone on board)



SIENA - friend / crewmate

  • thinks siena is adorable, does his best to take care of her​


CALLISTO - friend / crewmate

  • has great respect for callisto


EVREN - friend / crewmate

NEO - friend / crewmate

  • not very close with them, diego feels like evren's always a bit shy around him, probably bc they have a huge crush on him

  • respects evren's work around the ship a lot 


artist from left to right: me, cervidae

#FFFFFF #B59A93 #E8AC77 #966247 #7F4939 #6B3933 #442426 #211112 ​#060102

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